When people learn that we grow our produce Hydroponically, we usually some of these responses
“Sounds cool…Is it a new diet fad? Is it something to do with health food maybe? What even is it?”
For all the hydro-curious folks out there, we’ve put together a short read on the basics of hydroponic farming.

One of the first things we learned in biology class is that plants need soil, water, and sunlight to grow. But what if that wasn’t true?
To guarantee food security of a community, it has been necessary to locally implement increasingly advanced and modern agricultural technology. As you’re about to find out, there are lots of reasons why we need hydroponics.
What is Hydroponics?
Hydroponics comes from the ancient Greek formation of “hydro”, meaning water, and “ponics”, meaning labor. The water is doing the work here and enabling the fast growth of plants.
At its core, instead of using soil, hydroponics depends on a water-based nutrient-rich solution. The idea may seem like a novel “hack”, but has actually been since the Floating Gardens of Babylon
Why Grow Without Soil?
This shift in how we make food is innovative –– it allows to produce food anywhere in the world, at any time of the year, with higher yields yet fewer resources.
Grow Anywhere (we’ll talk more on this in another blog)
Higher Yields
Fewer Resources
Want to experience a Hydroponic Farm first hand; you can book your visit with us. Contact Now #newagefarming #hello #hydroponics #urbanfarming #futurefarming #agropractices #controlledenvironmentagroculture #soilless #farmvisit